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Filming & Photography

To establish guidelines for the use of Library indoor public space for non-commercial filming and still/digital photography to support students, faculty, and staff. As a general rule filming is not allowed in staff work spaces, rest rooms, the Reading Room, and in the 3rd floor stacks and open study areas as these are reserved for quiet study. 

Need for Policy:
The Library welcomes non-commercial filming and photography requests related to academic work. While the Campus Library strives to create a collaborative and open environment, we must balance this with the primary use of the library as a space for study and research. This policy establishes guidelines that protect library users’ access to space and resources without disruption.

Guidelines & Requirements:

  • All requests for photographing or filming in the Campus Library must be submitted to Library Administration 2 (two) business days prior to the intended start date of the project and must receive approval from Library Administration or an approved staff member. 
    • Requests should include the dates, proposed locations, times, number of crew, and nature of the project. The library reserves the right to reject all or part of a proposed project if it may be disruptive or cause damage to the building. Contact Library Administration at 425-352-5258 or
  • All parties filming or photographing in the Campus Library must abide by the UW Libraries Code of Conduct (
    • >If filming or photography becomes disruptive or destructive, the Campus Library reserves the right to stop the project.
  • Any temporary changes to Campus Library property, including lighting and furniture arrangements, must be disclosed and agreed to in advance. The original arrangements and conditions must be restored promptly. No permanent alterations may be made to any property in the Campus Library.
  • >No equipment or crew should block access to any entrances or exits.
  • All photography or filming must occur during hours which the library is open.
  • Contact Library Administration for any major mid-project changes.
  • Faces should be blurred or otherwise not identifiable in photographs or videos.
  • The Library accepts no liability for the use of filming or photography done in the library.
  • Any requests for commercial filming must be pre-approved by UW Bothell Advancement and External Relations office and are subject to the above requirements.  The Advancement and External Relations office can be reached at (425) 352-3642

See Also


Library Administration

Phone: 425-352-5258


Comments and suggestions regarding this policy are welcome and can be submitted by email ( or anonymously through the online feedback form.