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Course Reserves

Welcome to Course Reserves!

Course Reserves are course-related materials made available through the UWB/Cascadia College Campus Library. Textbooks, films, and other items owned by the UW Libraries or instructors may be placed on Reserve for short-term checkout. Some course materials are available in electronic format (e.g. ebooks, streaming media).

This guide provides instructions on how to search for Course Reserves, information regarding policies, and submission guidelines for faculty.

  • Books and Media
    • Search for print books, ebooks, DVDs, streaming media, and other required course materials for your course in UW Libraries Search. For best results, enter the keyword or title of the material in the search box under Course Reserves.
  • Book Chapters and Journal Articles
    • Students: Consult your syllabus, contact your instructor, or check your Canvas page for book chapters and journal articles.
    • Faculty: Visit the Course Reserves Information for Faculty for information on our Scan for Canvas service.

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