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Campus Amenities

Campus Library Study Rooms

Third Floor Quiet Study room

Study Rooms are available for students to reserve in the Campus Library. Current UW and Cascadia College students may reserve study rooms up to two weeks in advance. Please click the link above for information, policies, and reserving a study room.

Please contact Library Staff at 425-352-5340 for questions concerning study room reservations.

Campus Library Privacy Pods

The library has nine (9) privacy pods on the north end of the first floor. Privacy pods are quiet booths intended for meetings, study, or calls that require more privacy.

Guidelines for Use:(decorative)

  • Single occupancy.
  • Please limit use to two hours.
  • Available on first come, first serve basis, and cannot be reserved.
  • Leave no trace. Please take trash with you.

Campus Library Study Zones

Collaborative Study Zone

First and Second Floor General Areas

Noise level: Chatter

Group work is encouraged but loud conversations are discouraged.

Second and Third Floor Group Study Rooms

Noise level: Medium Chatter medium chatter icon

Group work and use of media is encouraged but should be kept at a low enough volume that it cannot be heard outside the room or in the next room.

Quiet Study Zone

Third Floor General Areas

Noise level: Low Hum low hum icon

Voices should be kept at a low whisper and any other noise kept at very low levels. Groups in transit to and from study rooms should respect that this is a quiet floor. Use of audible devices and cell phones is not allowed.

Silent Study Zone

Third Floor Reading Room

Noise level: SIlent silence icon

This room should be completely silent. Use of audible devices, talking, eating, and cell phones are not allowed in this room.


images attributed to: "Volume" by MRA Design, from

Study Spaces on Campus

University of Washington Bothell SCOUT logo

Discover additional study rooms and study spaces on the UW Bothell Campus through UW Scout. Please contact to suggest a study space not listed in UW Scout.

ARC Meeting Rooms

UWB Diversity Center spaces

UW2 has 3 first come - first serve Zoom pods

Bookstore Supplies

Bookstore Order Pickup

The University Bookstore hosts popup pickups at the beginning of academic quarters.The popup is located in the former bookstore space, LB2 Promenade level. Credit Card only.  

UW Bothell and Cascadia College students have the option of ordering materials from the University Bookstore and having items shipped to their mailing address.  

The Seattle U-District location is located at 4326 University Way NE, Seattle, 98105, 206-634-3400. There is also a store in the Husky Union Building (HUB) on the Seattle campus.

Bookstore Vending Machine

An office/study supplies vending machine is located in the Campus Library, first floor open study area. The vending machine includes items such as (but not limited to):

  • Pencils
  • Pens
  • Calculators
  • "Blue books"
  • Scantrons
  • Index cards
  • Batteries