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Campus Amenities

Husky Pantry - UW Bothell

Husky Pantry logo

The Husky Pantry offers food, personal hygiene products, and clothing items to students who may be experiencing a rough patch or need a little assistance to get through the month.

Use of the Husky Pantry is completely anonymous and does not require identification.

Accepting Donations

Non-perishable donations to the Husky Pantry are always accepted.

Commonly requested items include:

  • pasta and pasta sauce
  • rice
  • canned soup/chili
  • peanut butter
  • protein shakes/mixes
  • snack bars
  • dried fruits
  • nuts

You may also make monetary donations to support the Husky Pantry. "Husky Pantry Donation" cups are located near the cash registers in any of the cafes on campus.

Kodiak Cave - Cascadia College

Kodiak Cave Cascadia College food pantry logoThe Kodiak Cave provides food, nutritional resources, and information about budget-friendly shopping and healthy recipes to Cascadia College students.


LB2-006, adjacent to Campus Safety

Accepting Donations

  • Right now our most pressing need is paper bags!  We would like something to give to students who use the space to carry their food in.  If you have paper bags to donate, please drop them off at the Kodiak Cave during business hours or contact Danielle Gohr, Kodiak Cave Intern, to arrange pick up/drop off at other times.
  • If you would like to make a tax deductible, financial donation, we are working with the Foundation and will share a link when it is available.
  • We have created an Amazon Wish List of specific items we are looking for! 
  • We will begin accepting in person food donations in Winter Quarter – more information to come!

The Center - Cascadia College

The Diversity and Equity Center at Cascadia College ("The Center") offers emergency food packs and personal hygiene kits to students who may be experiencing difficulties.

Located in CC1-002, The Center welcomes all students and use of the emergency supplies is anonymous. Please ask a Center staff member for assistance.

For more information about services and resources available at The Center, please visit their website here.

Contact Information

  • Location: CC1-002
  • Hours: Monday - Thursday 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM, Friday - Sunday Closed
  • Phone: 425-352-8143

Accepting Donations

Non-perishable donations to the Center for Culture, Inclusion, and Community are welcome. Please contact a Center staff member to inquire about donations. Contact information is listed above.